Open your mind, give space to the body, find flow in your breath. Our extensive range of classes offers nourishment for EveryBody.




This is a slow flowing yoga class which focuses upon foundational yoga postures and the integration of breath with practice. suitable for all levels of practice.  Beginners will build a somatic knowledge of the foundational postures in a supportive and nurturing environment. More advanced students will deepen the integration of breath and posture to create a deeper, more meditative practice.



A yang based practice for bringing dynamic energy into the body. Flowing sequences of movement will energise the mind and bring strength to the body. Suited for the more experienced and those wanting to challenge their practice. 



We join light asana practice, breathing practices and easy meditation to  bring calm and clarity to the senses and facilitate the  capacity to rest in  present moment awareness. Suitable for all experience levels particularly those interested in developing meditation practice. 



A restorative yoga class with some slow flow to warm the body and  longer holds to release tension to create a deep sense of connection to the body. The breath guides the movement with holds being supported through some props that create comfort. The posture is enabled without any force.  A longer relaxation time in this class assist with more restoration of body and a more peaceful mind. Suitable for all levels of experience as the teacher will guide your practice as needed. 


KIRTAN (free monthly event)

Kirtan is a devotional and meditative yoga practice where we sing various mantras together in a call and response method. No prior experience is needed just join in or listen and enjoy the beautiful effects. This is a free event for all to enjoy, kids welcome. Kirtan runs as a by donation event, all proceeds go to support education of children in northern India. Kirtan is scheduled for the first Saturday of the month - please check the timetable to confirm as the date can change to accommodate holiday weekends.



Our  yin teachers are highly experienced and will guide you into the correct positions for maximum benefit in each pose. Great way to manage stiffness in the body and work through energetic blocks in a mind/body release 



Sound healing is an ancient practice throughout all wisdom traditions based upon the resonance of our bodies and their sensitivity to sound. It creates a deep relaxation state where the body healing can take place through the realignment of our deepest somatic experience.



Yoga nidra is an ancient yogic practice creating a a deep relaxation state and an effortless awareness of breath and body. Sometime translated as 'yogic sleep', the student actually remains awake suspended in the state between sleep and wakefulness whilst following a guided meditation. As the practice only requires the student lie on a mat and remain awake no previous experience in yoga is required. Yoga nidra tones the autonomic nervous system, bringing relief from stress related conditions.